Necessary Emergency School Closure- Monday 13th January 2025


Dear Parents/ Guardians,

We have unfortunately not come through the cold snap unscathed. We have discovered today that the water tank in the supply tower has cracked in the cold temperatures and has leaked through to the boiler room. This has caused extensive damage to the electricity boards which power the heating system and as a result we have been without heating since 11.45 today. We have electricity in some parts of the school but none in relation to the heating system.

Unfortunately, having consulted with our plumber and electrician, it is estimated that the issue will not be resolved until Monday afternoon as they can only commence work on it from tomorrow when the tank has been emptied completely.

This means that we have no option but to close St. Mark's on Monday 13th January until the leak has been repaired and then the power and heating can be restored. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Kind regards,

Ross Dignam


St. Mark's Special School

Piercetown, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
045 432466
© 2025 St Marks School