Attention of 2nd, 3rd and 5th Year Parents


Dear Parents,

The University of Limerick are a group of researchers tasked by the National Council for Curriculum Assessment (NCCA) to explore the implementation of the new Junior Cycle. St. Mark's School school is one of the case study schools for the study. A core part of the study is getting the views of parents. The more perspectives from parents that they capture, the more valid the study will be, and they are seeking your support with the study and to invite you to take part in a short online interview. The interview is informal and explores your and your child’s experiences of Junior cycle (please see attached information sheet, interview questions and research privacy notice). I have also included the questions below, for your convenience.

Interview questions

From the perspective of a parent, how does your child experience Junior cycle? What have you observed in terms of your child’s experience of Junior Cycle?

What surprised you?

What did you expect to observe but didn’t?

What would you like to see more of? Why?

What changes would you like to see happen, why?

Any other comments?

The interview can take place online at a time that suits you and will be anonymous. The interview will only take approximately 20 minutes. You can outline your consent to participate here:

You can view the Information sheet here: Parent Interview Information Sheet.pdf

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact them on

Many thanks for your support,

Dec 06
Carol Singing Whitewater Shopping Center
Dec 11
Christmas Fair in School Hall
Dec 18
Joan's Christmas Dinner
Dec 20
School Closes for Christmas Holidays Half Day
Piercetown, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
045 432466
© 2024 St Marks School