Updated Information on Upcoming Christmas Events

Updated Information on Upcoming Christmas Events

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please find further details on the upcoming Christmas Events.

8th December - Christmas Carol Singing in the Whitewater.

Our students will be singing between 10.30 and 12.30 in the shopping centre. Students and staff have been practising hard and will be accompanied by Leonardo (drumming teacher) on the day.

14th December - Christmas Dinner

All classes have been given the option of eating in their classroom with their own class group or in the hall with a larger group. Dinner will be served at around 12.00 for all students.

16th December - Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair will be held in the hall this year and will be split into 2 groups for parents to attend. We have limited parking and may not be able to facilitate a large rush of parents if all classes were together. Each session will last for 90 minutes.

10.00 - 11.30 Primary, 1st and 2nd years will be selling their creations in the hall.

12.30 - 2.00 3rd, 5th and 6th years will be selling their creations in the hall.

We would ask that if you wish to attend the Christmas Fair, that you do so at the time your child is selling only, unless you have a child in both sessions in which case you can attend both if you wish.

The classes are also contributing to a brochure for the event, a link to which will be sent out to you before the event.

19th December - Christmas Mass

Christmas Mass will take place at 10.30 in St. Conleth's Parish Church. All are welcome to attend the mass, students will be returning to school straight after.

20th December - Cinema Trip

Classes have been offered the choice of Lyle. Lyle Crocodile or Elf. Classes have already chosen which movie they would like to see.

21st December - Half Day and Attendance/Behaviour Awards

Buses will collect students at 12.15 on the day. Small awards ceremony before the students leave to recognise attendance and behaviour achievements.

Kind regards,

Ross Dignam

Piercetown, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
045 432466
© 2025 St Marks School